Some words about my source code style
Here are some thoughts about how the 'style' of my own 80x86 source code. No doubt there is a million other ways to name macros, define symbolic items, write comments and document your source code, but this my own rather chaotic method. While learning to code I found very little help concerning the topic of symbolic names, so this explains the code chaos below.
This is NOT a set of rules I'm attempting to impose on every coder (that many books like to do.. damn those paper dictators!!), it's just my random ASCII madness that I like to call 'code'.
Two word method
I construct most symbolic names using two words joined together to create a 6 or 8 letter symbol. The reason for these (some would say) short symbol names comes from the fact that I learnt to code using some old assemblers which had very limited memory and/or a limited number of significant characters for symbol names. So for a procedure to draw a sprite I would use the name "DrawSpr" or "drawspr".
Here are some common abbreviations:
scr - screen
spr - sprite
key - keyboard
snd - sound
rat - mouse
dot - point/pixel
cnt - count
tick - ticker/countdown value
rate - reload value for a ticker
pnt - a pointer
map - background map/array
stk - stack
top - start of something
end - end of something
test - test for something
get - fetch some variables
put - place some variables
wrt - write to memory/screen
prt - print
calc - calculate (usually screen co-ordinates or an item address)
find - search for something
zap - clear memory
clr - same as zap
kill - delete
wipe - erase something (e.g. sprites)
move - move something
sort - sort items
pro - process/update items
go - start something (e.g. a sound or animation)
stop - stop something
Here are some regularly used examples of two-word procedure names.
waitkey - wait for a key press
testkey - test for a key press
clrscr - clear entire screen
calcpixl - calculate screen pixel from (x,y)
plotpixl - plot a pixel
drawline - Hmmm.. guess..
copyscr - block copy a screen to somewhere else
flippage - flip the screen/video page
waitfly - same as vsync (force of habit..)
prosnd - process sound fxs
gosnd - begin a sound
loadmod - load a sound module
playmod - play it
stopmod - stop it.
loadfile - loads a file from disk
savefile - saves a file to disk
sortpoly - sort polygons
scanedge - scan convert a polygon edge
And of course the classic, inits:
initmem - initialise memory
termmem - terminate/cleanup memory
initsnd - init sound...
termsnd - etc..
Casing and Capitals
Some people like to use purely lowercase for all their source code. This is usually because they are writing for pmode where instructions, operands and labels seem to mysterious get very long by themselves. The advantage is that your typing speed is increased because you never need to hit the the [SHIFT] or [CAPSLOCK] keys (apart from the special shift characters of course). The disadvantage is that it can be difficult to break a long label symbol back into its component parts.
Lots of other coders prefer to use mixed lower and uppercase characters. So instead of 'drawspr' they would use 'DrawSpr' or perhaps 'DrawSprite'. It does make it far easier for other people to read your source code (especially if you are working on a team project or intend to publish it later on).
Another popular way to visually break up neighbouring words is to use the underscore ( '_' ) character 95 (5F hex). This does allow purely lowercase symbolic names to be used while keeping the source highly readible. For example, 'alloc_dma_buffer'.
There is another useful advantage of using the underscore. It helps you to search and replace items at a later date. If you have used a common scheme throughout your source then you could quickly search for all the dma related stuff just be typing '_dma_', easy eh?
I tend to only use the underscore for equates, offsets and structures and sometimes not at all (like to break my own rules from time to time.. heheh).
Local labels
Thankfully the bad old days of using labels like 'DS16LP2' are gone. This is due to the wide spread use of local labels. I would guess many coders would simply stick to the normal @@1, @@2, @@3 ... @@nn labelling system for their local labels. But I personally find it better to use a one or two word local label such as these:
@@find: - marks the start of a search loop
@@next: - jump to the next items in the list
@@prev: - .... the previous item ...
@@skip: - ignore an item
@@zero: - zero memory pointer/undefined
@@clip: - completely clipped, reject it entirely
@@undef: - undefined item
@@done: - main work done, jump to cleanup code
@@quit: - quit immediately from procedure
@@exit: - exit from procedure
Using single digits is great for short procedures, but for long ones it can get very confusing trying to remember what @@19 does, is it the main loop or a conditional step-over label??
Numbers and expressions
I have a (some would say, bad) habit of using brackets far too often. Even when the preceedance is obvious I still like to break the expression into smaller parts, this not only makes it easier for me to read, but it insures that the assembler calculates things in the correct order. E.g.:
add di, 10+(30*320)
For a standard 320x200 mode 13 hex screen the above would move the DI register right 10 pixels and down 30 pixels. Please notice that I keep the delta (x,y) values in the same order as the co-ordinates.
add di, x+(y*320)
This means less mental translation, so hopefully less bugs and typos too.
I only use uppercase for hexadecimal numbers with a leading '0' and a trailing lowercase 'h' symbol. This means any confusion with the ah, bh, ch and dh registers are minimized because most registers are ALWAYS lowercase. Remember 0ah, 0bh, 0ch and 0dh are all valid hex numbers, so be careful with those leading '0' zeros.
Segment registers
Hopefully these are those strange, dusty registers which no-one uses anymore (cause you are all using flat mode, right?). But for those of us who like to spend a few hours swearing at segment registers....
I like to use uppercase for the CS, DS, ES, FS, GS and SS segment registers. This not only makes them stand out from the cx, di, dx, si and sp registers but makes it easier to see segment overrides, e.g.:
mov ax, DS
mov ES, ax
... etc ...
mov bx, FS:[si]
mov CS:[counter], al
Hmmmm.. never found a nice method for equates. Some people use all lowercase, some use mixed case, some use all uppercase and some use underscores.
MaxPolygonCount equ 10000
max_polygon_count equ 10000
maxpolygoncount equ 10000
In my experience the symbolic names themselves are often enough to distinguish between memory variables and equates. Usually symbols with 'size', 'max', 'min' or 'length' in them are equates.
Bits and Flags
This is an old naming method borrowed from the old 680x0 Devpac assembler. You add '_B' at the end of a symbol to form a bit equate or '_F' to form a flag bit mask (which is 1 shifted left by the bit position).
VGA_SR1_VR_B equ 3
VGA_SR1_VR_F equ 1 SHL 3
ACTIVE_B equ 7
Another popular way is to use either binary or hexadecimal to define equates.
BIT0_F equ 00000001b
BIT1_F equ 00000010b
BIT2_F equ 00000100b
BIT3_F equ 00001000b
Padding numbers
When defining equates or using hexadecimal numbers I find that padding the number upto the correct number of digits is a nice, extra touch. It helps to quickly see the size of the constant value and relate the source code to the actual disassembled code which you'll see when debugging your code.
DWORD_CONSTANT equ 00000002h
Most of my structures use a 2 or 3 letter lowercase id and mixed case member names. I try to keep structure names down to a minimum because they will probably be used many, many times.
Flags db ?
ToneEnv env <>
NoiseEnv env <>
VolumeEnv env <>
snd ENDS
Out of habit I define the usual SIZEOF, NUMOF and SIZE equates too (the old DevPac assembler didn't have the now standard SIZE and LENGTH functions).
sndSIZEOF equ size snd ; size of 1 structure
sndNUMOF equ 100 ; maximum of 100 snd structures
sndSIZE equ sndSIZEOF*sndNUMOF ; total bytes needed
Stick 'em together.
Here is a recent habit which seems to make code a little easier to read (well, the junk that I like to call 'code' heheh). The idea is simple, define any bit/mask fields or equates right next to the element structure itself.
voice STRUC
Flags db ?
ACTIVE_F equ 10000000b
LOOPED_F equ 01000000b
LFO_F equ 00001111b
Volume db ?
Period dw ?
MIN_PERIOD equ 0071h
MAX_PERIOD equ 0258h
Panning dw ?
voice ENDS
So looking at the above it is obvious that the 'ACTIVE_F' equate is associated with the 'Flags' element of the 'voice' structure.
Inputs and Outputs
For procedures you often need to add some comments about the input and output parameters. Most of the time 1 or 2 lines will do, you don't need a huge page full of ASCII characters for every procedure.
;* CF=Load file[DS:EDX] length(ECX) into[DS:EDI] *
The above single line of comment describes all the input and output parameters for the a 'LoadFile' procedure. Any output parameters are written before an '=' equals sign and input parameters are enclosed in (..) brackets for registers, or [...] square brackets for memory based variables/pointers or filenames.
;* Draw box at(BX,DI) width(DX) height(CX) *
Nice and easy, eh?
Closing words
Oh well, I hope this hasn't come across as a 'I command thee...' kind of article. Source code style is a personally thing. Don't believe all the crap in those lousy books. My philosophy is to keep everything to a minimum. Don't get bogged down under a mountain of documentation, comments or line indentation otherwise you may spend all your time updating the comments rather than coding. Do you know any professional programmers who actually use those f***ing stoopid flow chart stencils?? Learning to program is difficult enough without having to waste your time with pointless details like what colour should the diamond box be drawn in!!
So don't blindly follow everyone else, find your own format, your own style that works for YOU and stick with it. Whether you choose long labels/short labels, upper/lower case or underscores is up to YOU.
I can still remember working with someone who chose enormously long labels while working on the old Amiga. This person soon ran into problems with assembling his code, it was horrendously slow and often failed due to lack of memory. The moral of the story?
Having long description labels and pages of comments is great...
...but a program you can actually compile is even better!!
Happy assembling.